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ITALY: Cortina mountain celebrates the Cortina’s foodies’ feast

Posted by TRAVEL TOP COUNTRY MAG MEDIA on August 25 2021, 17:50pm

Categories: #FOODIES, #CORTINA, #Italy

Delicious Festival_Credits www.bandion

Delicious Festival_Credits www.bandion

Cortina mountain celebrates the Cortina’s foodies’ feast for the end of Summer. In September, as summer comes to an end, it is time to collect and harvest all the good things ripened during the warmer months, some of which are used to cook and prepare delicacies in view of the autumn and winter months.
This is why in the Italian tradition it is a time associated with food and wine. Cortina celebrates this time of the year with four events dedicated to food and to discovering the best the town and its surrounding have to offer, from locally-grown ingredients to skilled chefs: a great opportunity for foodies from the world over. Based on this common thread, each event has a distinct approach, philosophy and atmosphere.
San Brite Cortina_Credits Stefania Giorgi

San Brite Cortina_Credits Stefania Giorgi

The queen of taste
The Queen of Taste_Credits Alessandro Ghedina fotografo

The Queen of Taste_Credits Alessandro Ghedina fotografo

Queen of Taste_Credits Alessandro Ghedina(1)

Queen of Taste_Credits Alessandro Ghedina(1)

Delicious Trail_Cortina_Credits www.sportograf (10)

Delicious Trail_Cortina_Credits www.sportograf (10)

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